Companies we represent
We represent a carefully selected group of financially sound, reputable insurance companies and we place your policy with the company offering the best coverage at a competitive price. Here is a partial list of the companies we represent.
Eastern Mutual - http://www.unionmutual.com/
Preferred Mutual - http://www.preferredmutual.com/
Erie & Niagara - http://www.enia.com/
Progressive - http://www.progressiveagent.com/
Leatherstocking Cooperative - http://www.leatherstockinginsurance.com/
Sterling Insurance Company - http://www.sterlingins.com/
New York Central Mutual - http://www.nycm.com/
Travelers - http://www.travelers.com/
Utica National Insurance Group - http://www.uticanational.com/
The Pledge of Performance
Trusted Choice (www.trustedchoice.com) agencies are insurance and financial services firms whose access to multiple companies and commitment to quality service enable us to offer our clients competitive pricing, a broad choice of products and unparalleled advocacy.
As a Trust Choice agency, we are dedicated to you and are committed to treating you as a person, not a policy. This commitment means we shall:
- Work with you to identify the insurance and financial services that are right for you, your family or your business and use our access to multiple companies to deliver those products.
- Guide you through the claims process for a prompt and fair resolution of your claim.
- Help you solve problems related to your coverage or account.
- Explain the coverage and options available to you through our agency, at your request.
- Return your phone calls and e-mails promptly and to respond to your requests in a timely manner.
- Provide 24/7 services for our customers, offering any or all of the following: emergency phone numbers, Internet account access, e-mail and call center services.
- Use our experience and multiple company relationships to customize your coverage as needed.
- Commit our staff to continuing education so they may be more knowledgeable in serving you.
- Treat you with respect and courtesy.
- Conduct our business in an ethical manner.
We pledge this to you, our clients and ask that you let us know if we fail to meet our commitment, so we may take corrective action.

We are members of:
- Independent Insurance Agents/Brokers of New York
- Professional Insurance Agents Association
It has been a difficult few days for all of us and we are clearly in unprecedented times as we all deal with the effectis of COVID-19. As always, Karl W. Reynard, Inc. is committed to putting our clients and employees at the center of all we do.
We have had to adapt to the situation, but rest assured that we are still in full operation. Claims are being processed, policy changes are being processed and our customer service team remains on duty.
Many of our employees are working remotely. To contact those working remotely, call our office and you will be given their phone number or their email address can be found on our "contact us" page. For those still working in our office location, we are taking extensive precautions to enforce social distancing and sanitation. We are also asking that no outside visitors come to our office.
As things changes, we will keep you updated. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. We are grateful for your continued business and are prayerful that things get better soon.
These are difficut times. The NY Legislature & Dept of Financial Services have been implementing emergency measures in an effort to protect insurance policyholders who have been hit with financial hardship because of the COVID19 pandemic. Regulations they enacted apply to most insurance policies and include: the waiver of late fees; the prohibition on reporting negative data to credit reporting agencies; and the repayment of late premiums over a 12-month period.
If you have been impacted by this pandemic, this means help may be available.
-If you can demonstrate that you're unable to make a timely payment due to financial hardship because of the COVID19 pandemic, you may be able to pay such prmeium over a 12-month period. You may call your insurance company directly from an 800 # posted on their website to inquire about your company's specific instructions on how to apply for the hardship. There will also be instructions on your company's website.
-If your policy is financed through a premium finance agency, they may be required to provide a grace period before cancelling your policy for late payment of an installment if you can demonstrate financial hardship because of the COVID19 pandemic. This grace period will be 60 days for a property/casualty policy; 90 days for a life insurance policy. You may be given a 12-month period to pay the missed installment, and the premium finance agency may not impose late fees or report you to any credit reporting agency or debt collector because of that installment.
You may prove hardship by submitting a written attestation to the insurance company or premium finance agency regarding your financial hardship resulting from COVID19 pandemic. The full text of the relevant regulations can be read here: www.biginy.org/nysdfs.
If you have questions about this or our policy, don't hesitate to contact our team. We're proud to continue helping you protect what matters most.
Stay Safe!